In the late 1860's and eary 1870's the Catholic people of Albert Lea were served by priests who came from other parts of Minnesota. In 1875, Fr. Theodore Venn established his residence at St. Mary, Wisner's Grove and became the first pastor to make regular visits to Albert Lea. Through his leadership, the Catholic families of the Albert Lea vicinity built the first St. Theodore Church, which was dedicted on September 9, 1877. Father Peter Daignault became the first resident pastor to Albert Lea and its missions.
In September 1887, Father James Donovan, a guiding force at St. Theodore for almost 46 years, arrived as its pastor. On April 30, 1892, construction was begun on the new church. Mass was celebrated there for the first time on Novmber 20, 1892, and it was formally dedicated by Bishop Joseph Cotter on may 9, 1893.
Ground breaking for the first school of St. Theodore was on May 3, 1911. The new school opened on October 2, 1911, with a total of three teachers and 56 pupils. The high school addition opened in the fall of 1923. St. Theodore High School was discontinued on September 1, 1934, to make room for the increasing enrollment of the elemntary school. On August 1, 1933, Father Donovan retired.
Father John Kiely came to St. Theodore on August 17, 1933. During his tenure many building improvements were made. He also introduced weekly devotions in honor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help and established the Holy Name Society.
Monsignor Bernard Mangan, who had been changellor of the Diocese, arrived on February 22, 1952. During Monsignor Mangan's administration, in 1953, a 4.9 acre property was purchased for the site of a new school. A fund-raising campaign was organized and pledges amounting to $225,000 were received. Ground for the new building was broken in 1953, and in September 1954, 156 pupils, grades six through nine enrolled. The new school was called St. Mary Junior High because it was begun during the Marian Year. After its opening St. Mary school experienced an immediate increase in the school population. From 1951 to 1957 the entire school population increased from 262 to 460. Due to declining enrollment, the school was closed from 1971 to 1995.
Today St. Theodore, led by pastor Father Kurt Farrell, is spiritual home to 1058 families including St. Theodore and St. James parishioners St. Theodore Parish has an active Pre-K through 5 school with a current enrollment of 68 students.